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Благоустройство города «Хит-Арт»

Мы даем реальные результаты

К нам обратилась компания в сфере коммуникации. Она подключает пользователей к высокоскоростному интернету, оказывает услуги связи и поставляет солнечные батареи в Бельгии. Стоимость клиента, который заключил договор — 30 евро в среднем. Окупаемость инвестиций в рекламу — 950 % при работе с абонентом 12 месяцев.
Работаем по Google, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube при ежемесячном рекламном бюджете 1 000 — 1 500 евро

Telecommunications company


GTS Belgium, а partner of ORANGE, has approached us recently.
Each month they had 30 new connections to the internet communication and television services. And the goal was to increase the volume at least twice by social network.

Logistics company


How our client gets requests per 2 euro each in truck transportation business around the world and in Spanish market as well?
Smart delivery — is a modern international logistic company which has been on market since 2002.
Today Smart delivery is a reliable logistic operator which provides full transport and logistics services in both Spanish and worldwide market.

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